Everything You Need To Know About Material Collection Service

Several companies have found in the ‘ junk ‘ an opportunity to increase their profits, either from the sale of their waste or reuse in their production processes.

With the awareness that many have in the separation of the standard trash and recyclable garbage, the need arises of a company committed to the collection and destination of these materials.

The Waste Market Platform of our expert team enables organizations to have contact with material collection service providers. Thus, they will be sure that they have hired a supplier that complies with the environmental legislation to carry out such service.

The material collection service has the function of transporting the waste generated to landfills or recycling centers, thus contributing to compliance with the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) of the Ministry of the Environment, since it is necessary to dispose environmentally of waste.

How does the collection service organize the periodicity of the collection?

The volume of waste produced by a company is quite variable and depends on several factors, such as productivity, time of year, the quantity of consumption, and new methods of packaging goods.

Recalling that the most recent trend of use is returnable packaging in line with the Sectorial Agreement of Reverse Logistics.

The material collection service of an organization should be concerned with collecting as much of the generated amount as possible. This saves time and financial resources.

Ecologically correct material collection service

The first stage of the service of collection of material begins in the packaging of the residues that will be removed.

The type and form of packaging of the waste depend on the classification of the material.

Various types of containers can be used, such as household containers, drums, plastic bags, paper bags, standard containers, tipper containers, among others.

When the material is not packed correctly, the risk of environmental pollution and the safety of the population is much higher.

The well-conditioned waste facilitates the material collection service.

The gathering

The material collection service includes the departure of the vehicle that will transport the waste, including the entire journey traveled to remove the debris from the places where it was stored at the discharge point (such as landfills, recycling plants, incineration plants, etc.), until the return to the starting point.

Collection can usually be classified into two types of systems:

  • Special collection system (for group of contaminated waste) and;
  • Uncontaminated waste collection system.

In the collection services of uncontaminated material, the collection can be performed conventionally and are sent to the final destination. Or through selective collection where recyclable waste is sent to treatment and/or recovery sites.